[Salon] Internal Chinese explanations for COVID policy

Below is a translated item from the Hangzhou Daily stating an official position on China's current dilemmas with regard to COVID.  Despite the imperfections of the translation, it is worth reading.

Zhejiang propaganda: "people first" is not "epidemic prevention first"

Hangzhou Daily
2022-11-29 15:53 Hangzhou Daily official account

Nearly three years have passed since the outbreak of the new crown [sic] pneumonia in late 2019. As the epidemic prevention and control time lengthens, many people's psychological tolerance and endurance level has been tested and is even being lost little by little. As some netizens say: if the first year is panic, with a little bit of joy, it can be a good rest at home; the second year begins to be confused, hoping that the epidemic quickly ends; the third year is some complaints, in the end when is the end.

In addition, recently, some places have been using the name of epidemic prevention to "raise the bar", abusing their power and making things difficult for the masses, resulting in epidemic prevention becoming deformed and out of shape, and in some cases, not saying on the surface that they are sealing and controlling, but actually sealing and controlling, ignoring the interests of the masses and people's demands, interrupting the normal order of production and life at will, and even putting the lives and safety of the masses in disregard, which is bad for the The image of the party and the government, breaking the hearts of the masses. There are even some people who take the opportunity to make money from the epidemic. Compared to the epidemic, these phenomena sting the hearts of people. The ensuing helplessness, boredom and even anger are understandable.

Epidemic prevention and control is to prevent the virus, not to prevent people; there has always been "people first", not the so-called "epidemic prevention first". No matter what kind of prevention and control measures are taken, they should be aimed at returning society to normal as soon as possible and getting life back on track as soon as possible. All the options are "bridges" and "boats" to this goal, not simply to prevent people, regardless of the cost of blind brute force.

Wenling CDC laboratory, inspectors are carrying out nucleic acid testing work


During this period, the World Cup in Qatar is in full swing, and the crowd in the audience seems to be no different from the one before the epidemic, without masks and revelry. Some people ask: "Many countries in the world have now everything as usual, 'lying flat' is not also lying over? They 'let go' OK, why not us?"

To answer this question, it is useful to look at a few sets of data.

First, look at the confirmed cases, up to now, the global cumulative new crown of 636 million confirmed cases, cumulative deaths of more than 6.6 million cases, the recent day of 230,000 new confirmed cases, 428 cases of death. Among them, Japan's 126 million people, 98,000 new confirmed cases a day; South Korea more than 50 million people, 47,000 new confirmed cases a day.

Looking at medical resources, this year China has 6.7 medical beds per 1,000 population, while in 2020, South Korea has 12.65, Japan 12.63 and Germany 7.82; in 2020, China has 4.5 ICU beds per 100,000 people, Germany 28.2, the United States 21.6, France 16.4 and Japan 13.8, with a global average of 10. At the beginning of this year, 32.7% of the total ICU capacity in the United States was occupied by patients with new coronary heart disease, and about 7 ICU beds per 100,000 people were occupied by patients with new coronary heart disease, which exceeded the total number of ICU beds per 100,000 people in China.

Finally, the "one old and one small", by the end of 2021, China's population aged 60 and above reached 267 million, and the population of children exceeded 250 million, the "one old and one small" group is very large. According to the latest data from Singapore, the mortality rate of infection among the vaccine-protected elderly aged 60-69, 70-79 and 80 years old and above is 0.014%, 0.064% and 0.54% respectively; the mortality rate of infection among the three age groups without vaccine protection is 0.19%, 0.29% and 2.5% respectively. And the three age groups of elderly people who have not completed vaccination in China are about 22.64 million, 16.16 million and 14 million respectively. If it were completely liberalized now, according to the estimated mortality rate of infection in Singapore, the number of deaths in our country would reach about 600,000 for people over 60 years old alone.

Although the number of sickness and death is a cold number, it eventually falls on every family. Can we just accept the reality of the loss of people around us? Obviously, it is unacceptable. Because China's social system, history and culture, values and ethics do not allow us to watch our fathers, grandfathers and children face the threat of death and simply give up. For example, in some Western countries, hundreds of people died in a single nursing home from an epidemic. Understanding this, we can also understand our country's efforts to contain the epidemic.

A paper published in The Lancet stated that during the New Coronary Pneumonia pandemic, global excess deaths were estimated at 18.2 million, with an excess mortality rate of 120.3 per 100,000; in the United States the excess mortality rate was 179.3 per 100,000; in China the excess mortality rate was only 0.6 per 100,000.

We cannot talk about the results of anything without talking about the process. Today's "business as usual" in the West is actually based on the loss of lives and broken families. The latest figures show that the number of deaths from the new epidemic in Europe has surpassed 2 million, while the United States has nearly 1.08 million, the highest number of deaths from the new epidemic in the world.

According to Johns Hopkins University statistics, as of 6:21 p.m. Beijing time on Nov. 28, the cumulative number of cases of New Coronary Pneumonia in the United States reached 9,856,849, and the cumulative number of deaths reached 1,079,197. Photo source: observer.com

It is selective forgetfulness to envy the freedom and revelry of Western countries while ignoring the painful price they have paid; it is an empty proposition to talk about "control" and "release" of the epidemic in isolation from China's national conditions and development reality. If we compare the epidemic to a rough river, in order to reach the other side, some countries choose to go into the water bare-chested, the best and the worst, tacitly allowing some people to become sacrificial victims; while China chooses to share the same boat and tide over the difficulties together, using a big boat as much as possible to give everyone a chance to survive. When the big boat is difficult and gradually leaning towards the other shore, if you blindly envy those who have landed on the river swimmer, no longer work together to row the boat but choose to risk jumping overboard, many of the previous efforts may be lost. II

From the very beginning, China's chosen path to combat the epidemic has been different from that of Western countries, and the major logic throughout has been "people-oriented, pragmatic, and appropriate to the time".

Remember that in late 2019 and early 2020, the new epidemic was raging. When the virus was at its strongest, we dug deeper and closed the channels away from Wuhan and Hubei, and fought a full-scale defense of Wuhan and Hubei, curbing the spread of the epidemic in a short period of time. As the number of new local cases gradually dropped to single digits, we took stock of the situation, coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and promoted the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner, making China the first to achieve negative to positive economic growth and the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth.

After that, as the virus offensive weakened and the overall epidemic in the country was sporadic, we prevented external importation and internal rebound, adopted a normalized prevention and control strategy, and concentrated our superior forces to crack the epidemic one by one, delivering a bright report card of epidemic prevention and control and economic development.

Now, in the face of the gradual weakening of virus virulence and changes in transmission characteristics, we insist on "dynamic clearance", give more prominence to "scientific precision", formulate and implement the ninth edition of the prevention and control program, launch twenty measures to optimize the prevention and control of the epidemic, and constantly iterate on prevention and control initiatives.

Each adjustment is made according to objective laws, seeking optimal solutions in a multi-objective balance.

As a country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, the cumulative death toll of the epidemic on the mainland is more than 5,200. in 2021, our GDP will grow by 8.1%, with an average growth of 5.1% in the two years 2020 and 2021, making us the top student of major economies.

We use China's institutional advantages and resource allocation methods to do our best to keep people's lives down and save millions of lives, while promoting economic and social development, which is a great achievement that can stand the test of history.

The mobile nucleic acid "sampling hut" in Tongxiang City


Recently, some places in the implementation of the "dynamic zero" process, due to the problem of understanding, capacity, methods and even the interests behind the problem, resulting in the prevention and control policy deviated, deformed, out of shape, and in some places tragically what happened should not have happened.

Policy grasp without "a chessboard". The central government has set down the general policy of "dynamic zero" and twenty measures to optimize prevention and control, but some places have different interpretations, which greatly reduces the authority of the central policy. The epidemic prevention and control in the eyes of some people, only to control their own "small pond", rather than the common management of the flow of "big river". That's why the "mobility management", "I'm responsible for the flow, you are responsible for the management", the consequences are bound to be "a place sick, many places to eat medicine".

Policy implementation "sitting on a see-saw". For the implementation of the latest optimization of epidemic prevention and control adjustments, tramping or a slip in the end is dangerous. Some places "step on the gas" after the "drop gear stall", and ultimately "further back two steps", seriously undermining the public's desire for stability expectations. Some places either "a letter", or "a release", for how to take small steps not to stop, how to prevent and control more scientific and precise, how to allocate resources more reasonably and effectively, far from the formation of a methodical "combination fist The "combination".

The "epidemic prevention first" instead of "people first". In some places, in the name of epidemic prevention, people's livelihood and economy are taken lightly, and some even tacitly allow "only the new crown is a disease, other diseases are irrelevant" in the policy implementation, which distorts the concept of "life first". Some of them have added layers and layers of codes to the epidemic prevention, and have no laws or rules in sight, and even come up with various tricks to "deal" with the masses, which has chilled the hearts of the people.

The existence of these problems can not be ignored, but readily attributed to the "dynamic zero" policy also does not meet the reality. The current epidemic prevention and control, more like a balance of the "right to harm", not only to have to understand the livelihood of the people, political accounts, economic accounts of the mind, but also to achieve the "optimal solution" in the balance of multiple objectives. How to adhere to the "dynamic zero" general policy, around the milestones, highlighting the scientific precision, to ensure that the policy does not go out of shape, not deformed, testing the governance ability of party committees and governments at all levels, but also test the wisdom and commitment of party members and cadres.

Of course, for us ordinary people, we can not because of individual places in the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control policy deviated from the sample, not scientific and not accurate, thus denying our epidemic prevention and control policy, denying the "dynamic zero" general policy, which is not reasonable, is only to see a moment of a small logic and ignore the epidemic prevention and control of the big The logic. In the epidemic prevention and control work, individual epidemic prevention staff revealed the shortcomings in their ability and style, we should not only point out and urge them to correct, but also not to generalize the point that all epidemic prevention staff are bad, or even think that they are on the opposite side of the masses. What's more, we can't move the flowers and make up the crown, without going to the scene, lacking any basis but with the help of spliced videos and pictures to create and spread false news, fearing that the world is not in chaos.


To get out of the haze of the epidemic is not something that can be solved by a "release" or "no release". Arguments will not automatically solve the problem, the most critical, or to start from a specific link, and quickly improve the ability to identify problems, dispose of problems, and strive for a soft landing way to control the control. This is what we should strive for.

Why can't the virus be "liberalized" immediately even though the death rate is low? Take vaccination, the booster vaccination rate for people over 80 years old in China is only 40%, the vaccination rate for children is not very high, and the overall immunization level of the whole population is not high. Once there is a widespread infection, our medical resources may also face the risk of being instantly broken. At this time, instead of struggling with "release" and "not release", we should first hurry to raise our vaccine level, prepare our drugs more adequately, and build more critical care beds, so that we have "mine" at home and "food" in hand. The "mine" and the "food" in the hands, in the face of any potential risks, will not panic.

Why is there a "one-size-fits-all" "cascade"? In some cases, it seems to be an innovative initiative, but in fact it is a policy increase; it does not seem to be a "one-size-fits-all", but in fact the concept of making a "one-size-fits-all". In the end, the awareness of seeking truth from facts is too weak, the spirit of taking charge is too weak, and the ability to move with the times is too weak. Each decision, the introduction of each initiative is after a careful study and judgment, specifically to the implementation of this link, more people-oriented orientation to stand up, the epidemic prevention is not effective serious accountability, those "layers of additional code" should also be resolutely accountable, so that they have become "street rats The "people-oriented" approach should be established.

Why do some places look very hard to prevent epidemics, but in fact they are very "strenuous"? Some places have "codes", but they don't work. It looks like big data screening, but in fact it is still operated by people; different provinces, different cities and even different counties are developing their own "codes", and they have to change a code when they go to a place, which makes people "tired of not loving". It is necessary to unify the health code standard really nationwide as soon as possible, to interconnect the nucleic acid test results nationwide, to replicate and promote the experience of advanced regional precision wisdom control practices to more places quickly, "one place to innovate, the whole country to use". Can not let the so-called territorialization, administrative or even interest groups hinder the promotion and popularization of technical experience, but to find ways to make more data flow, so that the virus leaps less, so that the people toss less.

Why is it that sometimes the right thing to say is not said, the "right thing" is not well said, not understood? Some party members and cadres are in the spotlight to carry out the work of the weak, either a dodge dodge mass concerns, or a press conference to say a lot, the results are not what the masses want to hear, or the average person can understand. To evade the responsibility of those who say not to say out to expose, to say badly, will not say the people from the release of the seat to quickly drive down, that qualified to say, and say well to say clear to say accurate people more please up, in the uncertainty to give more certainty, so that the authority of the professional voice to stand up.

In Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway Ningbo exit, staff strictly guarded

Behind every ability, there is a common value consideration, that is, the people first, life first. The public's voices and demands have always been the base point for adjusting and optimizing our anti-epidemic policies. There is only one purpose to fight against epidemics, and that is to benefit the people and to protect the health and safety of everyone. If we grasp this point, our steps will not be chaotic and our actions will not be biased.

The epidemic has developed to the point where prevention and control is not a "blind box". Any adjustment is actually an iteration of the policy, the optimization of prevention and control, is a step closer to success, not self-abandonment, self-denial, should not follow the rules, self-imposed restrictions. For us, epidemic prevention and control is like driving a big ship, slowing down and stalling is not an option, nor is turning sharply. This is why the prevention and control program has been iterated from the first version to the current ninth version. Along this direction, it is believed that there will be more accurate tenth and eleventh editions ......

The construction of the "big ship" of epidemic prevention and control is ultimately to carry more than 1.4 billion people to the other side smoothly. When the ship reaches turbulence, it needs to be strong. We must believe that we will not keep on drifting, but as long as we are united, the pace is smooth and the rhythm is not chaotic, we will be able to get off the boat safely in the near future.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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